1978 <-- publications --> 1980
PUBLICATIONS 1979 [7] P. Bennema, J.P. van de Eerden, W.J.P. van Enckevort, B. van der Hoek and K. Tsukamoto, Observation and inter- pretation of spirals for spiral growth from the liquid state, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 55 (1979) 403 [8] J. Arends, J. Schuthof, W.H. van der Linden, P. Bennema and P.J. van den Berg, Preparation of pure hydroxyapatite single crystals by hydrothermal recrystallization, J. Crystal Growth 46 (1979) 213 [9] I. Sunagawa and P. Bennema, Modes of vibrations in step trains: rhythmical bunching, J. Crystal Growth 46 (1979) 451 [10] W.J.P. van Enckevort and W.H. van der Linden, On the relation between etch pits or growth hillocks and dislocations on the (111) faces of potassium aluminum alum, J. Crystal Growth 47 (1979) 196 [11] W.J.P. van Enckevort and J.P. van der Eerden, Monte Carlo simulation of a (111) diamond face around the roughening transition, J. Crystal Growth 47 (1979) 501 [12] P. Bennema and W.J.P. van Enckevort, On the occurrence of a critical driving force for dissolution: theory and experimental observation on KDP and other crystals, Ann. Chim. Fr. 4 (1979) 451 [13] J.P. van der Eerden, G. Staikov, D. Kashchiev, W.J. Lorenz and E. Budevski, Mean field theory and Monte Carlo simulation of multisite adsorption, Surf. Sci. 82 (1979) 364